Network Administrators

Employment Law Lawyers Committed to Helping Network Administrators


In the current modern era of business, many employers in California are looking for employees who can run the company’s networks and systems. This position has become known as an “Administrator” of systems. Sometimes Administrators are beginners in the field of technology and trying to learn how to run a system. Other types of Administrators are highly skilled in this field of facilitating technology. Yet many tech companies pay Administrators a salary and no additional compensation for working overtime, which can lead to violations of labor laws.

At Blumenthal, Nordrehaug & Bhowmik, we represent Network Administrators who are paid a fixed salary and not paid overtime wages for working more than 8 hours in a workday or 40 hours in a workweek. These systems administrators are required to follow the company’s strict guidelines and policies in performing job duties such as to: Install Hardware, troubleshoot or answer tickets from a system. Administrators that install LANs, WANs, network segments and Internet and intranet hardware are usually entitled to overtime pay. 
We represent Network Administrators who are victims of unfair employer pay practices involving:


  • Wrongful Termination
  • Discrimination
  • Harassment
  • Incorrectly classifying Network Administrators as exempt from overtime
  • Improperly treating Systems Administrators as Independent Contractors
  • Failing to reimburse Administrators for software, tools and equipment
  • Not paying database administrators for “on-call” time
  • Automatically clocking Network Administrators out for lunch or after 8 hours even though they stay and perform job duties during their meal periods or after their scheduled shift


Network Administrators are usually responsible for making sure that all aspects of technology and systems are properly working. While some Network Administrators are highly skilled computer professionals who creatively use their skill to solve system failures, others are more akin to help-desk support staff. These types of Network Administrators work under ticketing systems, which means they work a lot of “on-call time” waiting for tickets to come in, but are not compensated for this amount of time they work off-the-clock. This can be frustrating and lead to the termination of a Network Administrators employment.


Computer Analyst Not Paid Overtime or Wrongfully Terminated? Call 800-568-8020


We’re known as one of California’s premier wage and hour law firms, with a long, successful and impressive record of settlements and judgments on behalf of Network Administrative workers throughout the state, including the San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego. Contact us for a free consultation with a focused and committed employment lawyer.